Free Report: The Winning Skills Advantage

A report by Simon Haines, CEO, Simply Get Results

Simply Get Results has contributed to KPMG’s latest global ‘Future of HR’ research, providing international benchmark analysis, skills market insight and commentary. The newly published companion report ‘The Winning Skills Advantage’ digs in to what skills make the most innovative and effective 10% of HR functions stand out from their peers.

This special download offers key learnings and valuable tips from the report to help you on your journey to build winning skills.

Discover key lessons on how to build winning skills in HR and beyond


You’ll uncover:

  • Why skills and capabilities are the ‘new currency’ for HR success

  • Why ‘SkillsTech’ is this the hottest new solution in HR

  • Why access to the right data is key

  • About the new skills required for this new world of work?

  • Where to find ‘Pathfinding’ HR skills

  • How to become a HR leader?

Download your free copy by completing the form below:


Simply Skills Bite: ‘Winning Skills’ and where to find them


Simply Skills bite: Translating strategy into skills