Driving strategic growth in brand new capabilities​

Our customer is a global leader in standards and technical certification with over 80,000 customers and 5,000 employees. They partnered with Simply to identify and secure the skills required to drive growth, secure market leadership and realise their bold ambitions in new business areas.

Following the appointment of a new CEO, the company updated its strategy. They accelerated efforts to build capability in sustainability, artificial intelligence and digital transformation.  This included investment in the aggressive growth of high-potential service lines with the ambition of market leadership in these areas.

The problem? These were new business areas with new capability and skill needs. They needed to define the skills they needed, so that they could effectively execute their strategic plan. New workforce plans were required to drive talent acquisition efforts. As ever, timescales were tight. Without data, insight and tools, the lead time to secure the right resources would be too long.

They needed insight to identify, retain, develop and hire critical skills across the enterprise. They selected Simply as their Rightskilling Platform provider and partner, with a multi-year subscription sponsored at Board level.

Simply provides the customer with data, insight and tools to:

  • Identify the capabilities and skills required to deliver business strategy

  • Estimate current skills across the workforce, identify skills gaps and evaluate the most effective up-skilling, re-skilling and development paths 

  • Evaluate the supply and demand for critical roles and skills worldwide, by specialism, cost and location; identify new sources of talent; and tailor recruitment efforts to maximise hiring effectiveness to drive growth.

  • Analyse competitors’ skills demand, to differentiate in the market

  • Identify potential partners to co-deliver key areas of business growth

Simply. The rightskilling platform.

The strategy-led, data-driven way to conquer skill gaps.

Simply uses data and machine learning to define your skills strategy, build the skills architecture you need to make it happen, and pinpoints how to rightskill your workforce, fast. Learn more here, follow Simply here or get in touch at info@simplygetresults.com to discuss your needs and book a demo.


The skills to lead in M&A